Friday, January 09, 2009


every tiny atom was straining at its harness
it was madness that moved inside his core
this could not be a meltdown
the reactor was showing normal
all indications were positive
other than that little twitch at the corner of his mouth
and the distant look in his eye
but only briefly


the ending of landscape was not like the edge of the planet

it was like

one note in a song hanging in the moment
and then fading

They looked at the fireball above their heads
luminescent and bright

one more step
and they all fall off


take it back
the little boy said to her

take it back

you really didn't mean it
you really didn't, did you

she just smiled

radiant golden hair blinding him so brightly

a hop
a skip

and then she was gone


with his heart

duration is clearly not your strength

the editor noted on the draft

you might try typing with one hand
tied behind your back

with no lights on

in a cold room

wearing only those silly shoes

your mother made you wear
to your father's funeral

way back

way back when

were young


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