Friday, April 04, 2008


The day that Jeremy decide to end his life was just like any other. High overhead the sun was shining, but still, he was so despondent. Maybe it was the letter from his girlfriend. Or perhaps the car payment he couldn't afford to make. Regardless, it was time for Jeremy to push so hard on the accelerator that this collection of steel and rubber he couldn't afford would become a rocketship hurtling him toward a new world. As the lines on the road flashed faster and faster, as the trees began to slightly blur, the strangest little thought came into Jeremy's head - it was this memory of an equally beautiful summer day when he was five and he and his father were climbing a waterslide under a scorching Utah sun. The water was so cool and delicious, the climb so challenging and fun. And then down the slide they went, accelerating faster and faster until that giant splash in the pool below. Without hesitation he let off the gas and pulled over, crying. Later that day he would call his father.


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