Friday, May 19, 2006

My Son, the Comedian

Mitch Hedberg is very funny, but also very dead. I laugh at his jokes, I wince at his profanity. Yet compared to many, he's a boy scout. I learned of Mitch through my son, who as of last August (2005) developed an intense passion for comedy and is himself, a comedian. His professional career launched Monday, April 10, 2006 during open mic night at The Comedy Underground in Seattle. He was 21st in a field of 32 or so odd want-to-be and already-there comedians. Headliners bombed. Wannabes struggled and substituted intense profanity for actual humor. Standing out amongst them was a 16-year-old known as Collin. His name was called, he rose and strode to the stage. He took the mic and began his 3 minutes of original material. There were some laughs, more than some of the headliners had managed to produce. The red light flashed, and Collin sat back down beside me. It would be safe to say that I love this person, this comedian/student/bright star as much as anything if not more. I remember standing in my front room, entertaining my mother with my jokes and skits. Collin has stepped up and taken it farther. Last weekend, he performed again at a restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah. I did not have the privilege of watching him perform, but I look forward to when he posts the videos of his time on stage. No matter what he does, he will shine in my eyes. That's the joy of being a father.

Between the Speakers

The carpet was warm, the day half along and sunny. The tonearm raised and moved toward the spinning dark vinyl. In its rippled canyon walls, consciousness ceased and dreams floated free of earthly tethers. The needle descended and the music began. Afternoon faded into dusk. Back then, summertime was filled with slow-moving wonder. Lying between the speakers, a breeze from an open window blowing across your face, that was all that existed. It was all that mattered.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Insanity Flies Forward Like A Butterfly

These keys are like bricks

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

This Place

In my dreams there is this place I often visit, it is sheer canyon walls ending in water, it is beauty and translucent love in iridescence form a small shape of love liquid in nature and flowing through the smallest of moments and into the past when a beautiful young girl sat sensually and said silently things that made my life seem complete and with purpose it was but a dream because when I open my eyes it is gone.

alpha beta

The alphabet begins with A but A is simply a line that intersects another and who would have thought that someone would say "A" and make these lines the beginning of the alphabet. Who would have guessed that language would be so enigmatic, yes enigmatic is the word, spelled with all of the right letters and not those which make no sense, such as "benzibumid" or "trifallid." Trying to understand what the beginning of something is, yes it is hard. In fact, it is simply the color of blue chosen at random instead of green or grey. And that is how we spit forth these alpha beta tomes.

Circa Circa

If he had walked one thousand years ago, a roman centurion, on a path through a wood fraught with danger, had he stopped short instead of taking that next step, pierced through by an arrow, if he had smiled at the girl in the market and not moved on silently as if he didn't care, if he hadn't opened the letter sealed in wax he would have had a very different life, longer and more fulfilling, only if and if and then, he would have lived a very different life.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Who Put the O in Oprah

I am now gravely concerned about my heart and what I eat and how my marriage is holding up and whether or not my tendencies are really heterosexual or if my fat is good fat or bad or if my mother actually knew my name when she called me honey all those many times when I was young and going through life without the guidance of daytime television. It's a wonder I survived.

Radar Can Lie

The blips on the screen were real, he was sure. They looked like cloud formations, heavy with potential energy. Not invading spaceships.

Later that day it would rain.
